Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How to Bring Happiness to Oneself

(a repost from facebook)
The "play therapist" wants to share something with you.

HOW TO BRING HAPPINESS TO ONESELF (in not particular order)

1. Select uplifting music
2. Dance with abandon
3. Get into nature
4. Go to an art gallery/museum
5. Watch a hilarious movie
6. Talk with a trusted friend....ask them to only listen and love
7. Sit & breathe deeply and consciously, only thinking about the path of the breath
8. Read uplifting stories or passages
9. Go to the park and play on the monkey bars, jungle gym or gymnastic bars
10. Play music, even if badly, sing even if badly, create art/draw/paint/glue things even if badly I do not really mean that anything is actually "bad", it is our our nature to put our abilities down at times; everyone starts somewhere)
11. Try something you've never tried before, and have wanted to

A Hard Day's Work for a Hard Day's Pay

What does that mean to you?

When I lived in what is known as The Midwest, that was generally people’s way of being. They couldn’t stand anything that might have a social-type bend to it, i.e. national healthcare, support for the unemployed, shelters, etc. People there would actually get angry if I brought up any of these subjects.
And where does anger come from?

The days of "the American Dream" have been long gone. The smoke and mirrors that is pretending to keep that alive will soon dissipate. Unfortunately "the American Nightmare" is upon us. The days of what good capitalism might have been, and the days of finding meaningful employment that paid what it's worth, are practically over. If one is not creating their own work, they may be "left behind". 

Like so many things, good people in government and good ideas in business went awry with either power-hunger or just simply money-driven, forgetting the long term consequences to ourselves and Mother Earth.
As Dr. David Suzuki says, "I'm not interested in a 40 years plan, I'm interested in a 400 year plan."
[I love that man. Read more about his group is up and see his film. I am highly recommending it.]

I will digress for a moment to point something out, everything needs to be updated once in a while, yeah? And look just over a hundred years ago I could understand why call that area the Midwest. However that antiquated expression could be revisited and they could just be knows as the Flatlanders or maybe even the Midnorth. 

Of course living for a bit in Flatlander-country, I came to realize why people had limited views. They lived on two dimensions and hence could only be two dimensional thinkers. I'm being only slightly facetious.
I have observed that coastal and mountain dwellers have expansive perceptions. Well at least more so than being landlocked in the prairies.  :)

And so...

Hard work for hard pay.

Talk about a challenging life, a challenging way of being in the world.
What about spinning that over and saying to oneself, I earn money easily for doing what I’m good at and love to do.

For those of you out there that are not into the whole affirmation thing, nor the create-your-reality thing, let me point this out to you: 
if attitude is everything, then what I am saying here has weight.

Ponder that for the week....or month.

That is your homework. :)

Look, I work "hard" too. I just do not see it nor feel it like that.
Know what I mean, jelly bean?

I realize that we are quite blessed here in the West (and even where I am in the middle of the Pacific), to have choices and to have opportunity. 
Yes, it’s getting more and more interesting to uncover opportunities. I for one have had many years of struggle to maintain my head above water, only because my ethics and my ideas of what I would do for work are rather, ahem, picky. 

As a graphic designer (amongst so many things I am/do) and somewhat good at marketing, I could have worked for a studio or an advertising firm and made tons o’ money. No thanks to that, because if i do not agree with what they’re “selling” then I cannot work there. Work has to align with my beliefs of what is "good" (or at least not "bad") for humanity, and of course me.

In the end, what do I know.
I'm merely a Canadian from a forever lineage of Greek origin. :)

There’s my ramblings for today.

Mahalo for tuning in.

Until the next transmission,
may you look at your choices and know that you are where you have chosen to be.

And believe me when I say this is even for the times I have suffered, I am firm on this outlook.

I welcome all comments and/or critiques.

Unedited as usual.

Hee, hee!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Girls in bikinis doing yoga. Who am I to judge?

Ah yoga, my love....
There I was, thoroughly encouraged and enticed to learn from a “master” visiting Hawai’I for the first time. How exciting! This is of a different style of yoga and I love to add dimensions to my practice as well as my teaching.
It might have been good except...   
he did not teach a single class all weekend!
To say I was disappointed is an understatement.

Time has passed and now I'm just discouraged about this group and their ways.
A closer look has revealed (pun intended) that this particular group no longer is allowed to use the word yoga to describe what they do or who they are. Their website has women and men showing as much skin as legally possible in challenging postures. It is beautiful, and...
That is the one thing I will agree with:
it is not yoga.

There was misinformation during the lectures in that weekend seminar, and never once was the breath cued or body alignment spoken about during the poses practice.
I am comfortable calling it a kind of acrobatics workout. It is pretty. The method of transitioning in between poses resembles something like a martial arts form. Calculated and strong.

I was made to feel "silly" that I would even think the visiting teacher would teach.
That’s okay, lesson learnt.
I will be asking different questions next time a seminar is presented to me.
One like, will the founder be teaching us?

As a long time teacher, I am not interested in spending money I do not have to learn from people that I felt were not of the caliber I am accustomed to. The highest of high caliber teachers are who I wish to spend my time with, regardless of how long they’ve been teaching. I can sense a person’s depth and understanding in an instant.

When the grand master type senseis would visit from Japan, even if they were in their 80s, they taught us all week long. It is their philosophy, their spirit, their method I am interested in, and that is why hundreds of karate-ka (karate practitioners) would show up from all over. It was worth every penny, every sore muscle, every bruise, every drop of sweat. I look back on those days fondly.

So here I sit with these thoughts of what is yoga?
What is the spirit of yoga?
And is there a “right” and “wrong” way to teach it?
These thoughts are nothing new, they just got magnified after last weekend’s seminar.
I spoke with my teacher this morning, and she and I concurred. A website featuring semi-nude people doing acrobatic poses is beautiful, and it is not something she and I are interested in the slightest when doing or teaching yoga.

During this weekend, if one did not do things at precisely the right moment in the way they wanted it one was “reprimanded”. In my classes and in classes I have enjoyed thoroughly, the teacher not only allows for students to be in whatever pose they need to longer and or take child’s pose to rest, I like to take it a step further and exclaim that if …”prana moves you, please flow/go with it and do whatever you wish in class.” I have seen and experienced this at Kripalu Yoga Center and have enjoyed the freedom to just be. It is not only liberating, it is honest, and it takes each student into account. Their needs are the primary focus.

After all, the ancient ones say yoga is 98% about the breath!
2% about everything else.
(Some such huge number. Hee, hee!)

I remember one time giving myself permission to just simply go into savasana (corpse pose) in the middle of a flowing class and in the middle of the classroom. I just had had enough for the day and lay down. The teacher kept teaching even whilst he lay a blankie over me and pulled on my legs to allow me to sink deeper onto my mat. It was the best thing I have ever done in a yoga class. I so get it …since that moment.
{I had been living and working at this massive yoga center and had had a day of much yoga and also of lots of work.)
So this listening to myself in a situation like that was an awakening! 

Well, yoga is my passion.
Life is my passion.

I want to encourage people to live and be who they are a all times. No putting on airs or masking their truths. And if that means you want to do something different from what the teacher is doing, so be it. It is your practice.

As usual, I will not edit this and simply post.
Comment at will.  :)
I hope all is well in your worlds.
